Welcome to the Inkstains blog of 2008! Here you can find links to the other students' blogs, daily blog posts that re-cap the day's events, and other "writerly" links and information you might find interesting. If you have a suggestion for something we should add to this page, please let us know!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Day 2 - July 8

Today was another FANTASTIC day at Inkstains 2008!

We started out our Writing Marathon near the pond...

We each found our own spot for inspiration...

Our next stop was outside of Pray-Harrold, a classroom building:

We found many interesting spots...

And we continued writing by the really cool sculpture in the courtyard:

We came back to our room to share some of the writing from our marathon:

And had a Schoolyard Adventure infested with massive amounts of geese!!

These geese were NOT SHY! And a little feisty!

We decided the ducks were far cuter, and less inclined to hiss, than the geese.

We kept writing, and tried to get away from the bold and distracting geese...
...but those geese were persistent! Maybe they want to be writers!

We turned our Schoolyard Adventure ideas into descriptive paragraphs and poems:

And found the exceptional view from our classroom to be a great writing tool:

We were extra hungry from writing so much during our marathon, and lunchtime was openly welcomed.

Some went on a food rampage, so the rumors go. There were whispers about some of us going a bit bonkers over extra casadias and a snack Maddie deemed a "Heart attack in the form of a nut."
Olivia's tongue speaks volumes...

A view of lunch from above!

Next we got to sit in a really cool room...
...where we had the coolest guest speaker, Professor Heather Neff!

How excited we were that at the end of her incredibly inspiring conversation with us, she listened to and critiqued some of our writing!

Here's a few quotes from our time with Professor Neff:

"My teachers are trying to relive their inner child." - Jack (in response to why teachers assign fairy tales)

"If I get in trouble, I don't tell my mom. I write it down and put it next to her bed." - Rashika

"Paper doesn't laugh at you when you put your ideas on it." - Emily

"When you are at school, write for your teachers. When you aren't, write for yourself." - Professor Neff

It was another amazing day of camp, and we owe it to all of you for being so much fun and such fabulous writers! See you all tomorrow...


Emily said...

GEESEYS!!!!!!! -Emily "-)

deerie said...
